Explore why we do what we do with our Service Guide below.
About us
The Briars provides residential care for men and women aged 65 and over from all cultural, racial and
social backgrounds. The home offers person centered care in a warm, friendly and peaceful
atmosphere. Our care services include elderly frail care, Dementia care, respite care or
companionship. We ensure that you, or the person in your care, are looked after in a safe and
discreet manner without loss of dignity.
Our philosophy
We aim to provide an environment in which a person will feel comfortable, secure and in which they will have confidence. Through a homely atmosphere we always endeavor to provide an environment that gives service users the fulfilment and quality of life through observing and maintaining their privacy, dignity, independence, choice and individual rights.
- To maintain the privacy of their own accommodation and all things personal.
- To have and expect confidentiality when circumstances necessitate the need to confide with
management and staff.
- The understanding of the service user’s needs and treating them with respect.
- Allowing service users to take calculated risks, to make their own decisions regarding their care and to think and act for themselves.
- Giving a service user the opportunity to make their own informed decisions, which may be
appropriate to them.
- Ensuring all basic human rights are met by staff and available to all service users.
- Enabling the service user to realise their own aims.
Things to know
The fees are dependent upon the individual’s requirements and needs. This is discussed and agreed prior to admission. You are entitled to assistance with care home fees from Social Services, The Primary Care Trust or State Benefits or a combination of these.
Service users are given every opportunity and encouragement to
follow hobbies and share an interest in new ones. The home will offer
a wide range of activities designed to encourage residents to keep
mobile and most importantly an interest in life. Activities are organised
by staff or outside professionals, including:
- Various games i.e. drafts, bingo, cards, quizzes
- Exercise activities i.e. ball games, exercise classes
- Staff one to one chats with service users
- Going for walks
- Animal time
- Film evenings
- Music & sing alongs
- Tea and coffee
- Wifi is available throughout the building
Residents enjoy a high standard of daily prepared food. Special diets are catered for on an individual basis and are prepared by experienced cooks. Menus are rotated on a daily basis and service users are encouraged to eat in the dining room with fellow residents but may eat in their own room or another designated area if they so wish. Residents are offered a choice at breakfast and of 2 lunch meals subject to dietary requirements and 2 tea options.
How you can help
Please assist us by bringing in the following:
- Adhere to the visitor policy
- Toiletries (liquid soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, sponge, shampoo, sterident and fixedent)
- Label the clothes
- Boxes of tissues
- We can help with the purchase of a bespoke chair for personal use if required
- Wheel chair for continuous use
- Nail clippers
Please do not:
- Bring solid soap as its is an infection hazard
- Bring home baked or cooked food due to allergies or hygiene standards
- Put up pictures, we will assist with this
Other information
The fees are dependent upon the individual’s requirements and needs. This is discussed and agreed prior to admission. You are entitled to assistance with care home fees from Social Services, The Primary Care Trust or State Benefits or a combination of these.
Petty Cash
We request that families deposit petty cash monthly to cover Chiropody, haircuts and other incidental costs. We will need the family member to counter sign the cash in. A full record is maintained, and receipts are retained and can be share at any time.
Other Costs
- PAT testing for electrical goods
- Chiropodist for feet per visit every 6 weeks. NOTE Carers are not permitted to cut toe nails
- Hair dressing depending on what is required.
- Accompanied Hospital visits – Cost per hour per carer plus cost per mile
- Pads – If not allocated by Continence support, these have to be supplied by family members.
- Newspapers – varies depending on cost
- Meals – there is a charge for family to partake in meals. Please notify the manager in advance and a cost will be provided